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Devoted to the
Glory of God
For the
Good of Others
Worship SUNDAY MORNINGS, 10:30 am

At Redeemer, we gather to worship, nurture, and witness God's grace in Jesus Christ.
We seek to proclaim Good News, not good advice.
Congregationally praising God from whom all blessings flow. And at times, singing the words for each other when we can't sing them for ourselves
Proclaiming the reality of the Gospel -- finding our life, freedom, meaning, identity, and joy in the story of Another.
All who have trusted in Jesus as Savior and are baptized members in an evangelical church are welcome to the table.
Nursery available during the sermon. Volunteers are background-checked and Ministry Safe certified.
Nursery -- newborn to 4Y
Children's Church -- 4Y - 1st grade
Sunday School -- 2nd-5th grade
Youth -- 12Y through High School
Children & Youth
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