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Volunteer & Signup

All members and regular attenders are encouraged to sign up. Even if you are currently serving, please sign up so there can be an accurate volunteer roster.


Below is a list of volunteer opportunities with descriptions including timing. Frequency of volunteering rotation will be established by each ministry coordinator. Please direct any questions to coordinators if listed.

Children's Church

  • Kindergarten - 5th grade: weekly before service from 9:15am to 10am

  • ​4Y - Kindergarten: weekly during sermon

  • Curriculum provided

  • Volunteers required to complete background check and Ministry Safe certification (cost covered by church)

  • Coordinator: Emily GIllisShannon Foster


  • Weekly before Sunday service from 9:15am - 10am

  • Lead youth through pre-planned curriculum/games

  • Foster fellowship, growth amongst RPC youth

  • Coordinator: Emma Gaona

Greeter / Usher

  • Weekly before and during service

  • Greet and handout bulletins

  • Pass offering plate

  • * Separate sign up for offertory prayer

  • Coordinator: Callie Hoover

Scripture Reading

  • Weekly during the service

  • Read pre-assigned Scripture passage

  • Coordinator: Carley Smith


  • Meeting times as determined by committee (emphasis on prayer)

  • Discover and foster within RPC desire for local/global missions and outreach

  • Present opportunities for congregation to financially contribute to missions

  • Provide routine updates regarding supported ministries

  • Coordinators: Dave & Tonya Ford


  • Assist coordinator in seasonal decorating of church building

  • Coordinator: Maria Rempfer


  • Weekly during the sermon only

  • Serves children up to 4 years old

  • Volunteers required to complete background check and Ministry Safe certification (cost covered by church)

  • Coordinators: Carley Smith, Monique Wooten


  • Weekly during service

  • Rehearsal times as deemed appropriate by coordinator

  • Assist in leading congregation in worship

  • Vocalists (especially male) and/or instrumentalists (especially guitar, djembe)

  • Coordinator: Kaelyn Neal

Communion Prep

  • Weekly before the service

  • Prepare communion trays

  • Arrange communion table

  • Coordinator: Emily Joyce

Sermon recording

  • Weekly during service

  • Record sermon audio

  • General technical, A/V skill preferred

  • Coordinator: Buddy Wade


  • Spring and Fall bed maintenance and plantings

  • Weeding, hedge trimming as needed during growing season

  • Coordinator: Saundra Naifeh

Before Worship
During Worship

Thank you! You will be contacted soon with more details.

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